Comfort Characters

These are characters that bring me great comfort for a variety of reasons. Seeing them makes me very, very happy!!! They're often connected to my kins but not always, sometimes I just really love characters for the hell of it :D

If you tag me in pictures of edits of these characters, I'll greatly appreciate it!!! I always love seeing anything to do with my CCs. (For future reference, I refer to my Comfort Characters as CCs.)

Comfort Characters

Chika Takami

Source: Love Live!!! Sunshine

Chika is a very, very special character to me for so many reasons. Her fears about being "normal" and losing interest in her passions so fast, and how she doesn't think she's doing enough even when she's doing her best, are so so close to me and her message means so much. Her encouragement of Riko to follow her musical path while desperately wanting her to join Aqours was the kind of support that's so special to me.
Her constant struggle to remain a "strong leader" and not cry in front of everyone, then that scene where she cries her heart out in that ocean, brings me to tears every single time. Chika is truly a character that means so much to me, and seeing her struggle so hard and still not save her school but discover that she's found a home of her own in Aqours is a message i hold near and dear to my heart.
She's not just a typical "genki" girl, she's got a lot of depth to her and everything about her character means so much to me. She kind of helped me come to terms with my own attraction to women as well, helping it feel more natural and like something I should cherish instead of something "taboo" or "unreal".

Yohane Tsusushima

Source: Love Live!!! Sunshine

Yohane is someone who's learned how to be unafraid to be herself thanks to Aqours, and her caring spirit and ability to keep things light is something I love about her. She encourages Riko out of her comfort zone and into trying fun things that she might not have done otherwise, and I know that the Guilty Kiss album arts aren't canon but seeing Riko go from a shy nervous girl to fully embracing the Guilty Kiss aesthetic is something that makes me very very happy.
Her storyline and how she handles situations is so, so goofy and so good and I love her so much. She's just so fun and sweet.

Ramuda Amemura

Source: Hypnosis Microphone

First off: I'm sorry.

Second, Ramuda is a manipulative little bastard and I love him so much. Everything about how he didn't expect to care for anyone at all but ended up thinking of Fling Posse like a family hits me so hard and I love and care this pink bitch so much. As someone who's been manipulated and used all his life and turned his entire being into a persona to survive, having someone like Fling Posse around to keep him honest and remind him that he's his own person is perfect. Especially with the FP v. MTR chapter where Dice yells that he's his own person and should control himself, Ramuda's trust and love for his Posse when he didn't even mean to in the first place makes me start grossly sobbing.

Dice Arisugawa

Source: Hypnosis Microphone

Dice's undying loyalty and his ability to keep the peace between both of his teammates is just one of the things I love about him. He's a gambler and supposedly doesn't care about anything except for the next thrill, but he gets extremely defensive over Fling Posse when they're threatened and the entire drama track where he attacks Hifumi for Gentaro...... :emotional:
Having someone who cares so deeply and unashamedly in both Gentaro and Ramuda's lives is so special to both of them, and he's what keeps both of them anchored and happy. I have no coherent thoughts right now but Dice is such a loyal character who cares so much for his friends, and his lack of fear in showing that is special to two people who have been shrouded in lies all their lives.
He's dependable, despite what he says otherwise, and is always there for people who need him. I love Dice so fucking much.

Ichiro Yamada

Source: Hypnosis Microphone

Ichiro is someone who's had to grow up a lot faster than other people his age, and it's almost 100% because of his brothers. He decides to take his brothers hating him over them being influenced by the less-than savoury things that he does to get money, and he's always fiercely defensive of those he cares about. Ichiro works so hard and does so much especially for his age, and it's all to ensure that his brothers are able to have a better life than he can. Seeing someone who tries so hard to be a good person despite his situation in life and who often succeeds is inspiring to me, and his determination to never give up and protect those he cares about over all makes me so so emotional. He's brash and emotional and often steps out of line, but in the end he does it because he cares and that raw display of emotion is what makes me love him so much.

Jiro Yamada

Source: Hypnosis Microphone

Jiro is one of my biggest ccs, and I have a multitude of reasons why I love him so much. He's constantly fighting with Saburo in canon, but when it really matters he's willing to ride or die for him no matter what. He tolerates Saburo's kinda bratty personality and weird quirks in exactly the way that's most perfect, making fun of him gently to keep him humble while not actually saying terribly cruel things. Especially in the TDD chapters, the way that Jiro protects Saburo no matter what and comforts him when he's been abandoned by everyone else makes me so fucking emotional. At that point, everyone else in Saburo's life had basically abandoned them, and especially in the chapter where he finds out that the director is actually a criminal who didn't care about them at all--I know how that betrayal and emotional devastation feels, and seeing Jiro comfort Saburo as best he could by saying "Don't cry, I'm here" made me absolutely lose it because it's the perfect thing to say to someone who's so young that they don't know how to handle the abandonment properly.
The way he throws himself in front as a "vanguard" and how he's always willing to take the hit for his brothers...Jiro's not just stupid and foolhardy, he's hyperprotective especially after a rough childhood and he's at his core a very kind person.
I actually have a canonmate for Jiro! My best friend Tabris is my Jiro and i love him very much :D

Kakyoin Noriaki

Source: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Kakyoin is an absolute bastard, and I love him very much. He's snarky and sarcastic and very much aware of his power, and he's genuinely one of my favorite characters in Jojo. As one of Jotaro's literal only friends his age, having someone who's both so familiar with a stand and who's not afraid to call Jotaro out on his bullshit is genuinely very helpful to his mental health and fun at the same time. Kakyoin's self-sacrificial but still fiercely vicious nature is one of the most interesting things to me, because he's shockingly scrappy in fights but is still willing to sacrifice his entire life for the sake of the friends he's been searching for since he was a child. Having someone with this kind of duality to balance Jotaro out is super interesting to me, and seeing Jotaro smile (for like, the 3 times he does in the anime) when he talks about sumo of all things while he beats some stand user's ass makes me feel that they truly are good for each other in some weird twisted way. Mean little shithead. I still love him though xoxo
My kinda-sorta-canonmate for Kakyoin is my partner Mason! It's kinda-sorta because both of us are too lazy to ever bother to check if we actually are, even though we're.....almost certain.

Yosuke Hanamura

Source: Persona 4

Yosuke is both interesting and relatable to me for a number of reasons. He's struggling with the idea that he's part of the Investigation Team just because he wants to be a "hero" and that he's so fucked up after Saki's death because of that desire for fame and attention. He has both a deep affection and bond with Yu alongside a kind of envy, and the balance between those two is really interesting to see.
He's also homophobic on many occasions in both the game and the anime, but is extremely close with Yu--He's the only one who breaks Yu out of mind control/despair both times in the anime, and he constantly refers to Yu as his "partner" in every piece of official media ever released. They even supposedly have a cut romance route together. I've always headcanoned that with Yosuke's kinda douche-ish personality, he's homophobic largely because of internalized homophobia and a refusal to acknowledge his own self--another tie-in to the theme of Persona 4.
Still, Yosuke cares a great amount for all of his teammates and especially Yu. Yosuke's seen as the "second-in-command" and he constantly refers to himself as Yu's partner, with Yu shown to reciprocate in the anime by flirting and talking about how much Yosuke means to him. Especially the scene in the anime where Yu breaks down after seeing Nanako in the hospital and Yosuke comes back after he's sent everyone away makes me so emotional because it's after a fight they just had, but Yosuke knows that Yu's not able to handle all that pain himself and needs someone to hold him while he cries.
I love Yosuke so so much and am forever angry they cut the romance route from Persona 4.

Len Kagamine

Source: Vocaloid

Len Kagamine is a character that I don't really have a lot of super coherent thoughts about but I still love very very much. His voicebank is always soothing for me to listen to, and the relationship between him and Rin (in my canon) is the style of an elder brother caring for a reckless younger sibling. Jesus-P's songs about the Kagamine twins are pretty much how I headcanon the two to interact.
Like I said, I don't really have any deep thoughts on him but the way he encourages Rin's more energetic and odd quirks/actions while holding her back enough that she doesn't go too off the rails is really fun and a nice reminder to me to not go too far with what I do.

Arashi Narukami

Source: Enstars

Preface: I am in no way shape or form into Enstars at all, besides Arashi.
Maybe it's kinda weird that I have Arashi as a cc when I'm not even into enstars, but so much about Arashi makes me happy. The way she encourages self-love and taking care of yourself even if you're not doing as well as you hoped on something, and how she tries to stay positive no matter what, makes me feel genuinely better when I'm feeling self-doubt and general bad emotions. She truly does give off the big-sister energy that she aspires to, and the way that she takes care of those younger than her with a protective fierceness make me feel safe and happy whenever I think about her.
Her story where she talks about how she shouldn't have sent a younger member off in women's clothing because he referred to her as a "manly man" means so much to me, because seeing her strength and willingness to apologize for her actions immediately once she realized her mistakes added to how I "looked up" to her a little.
She's an inspiration to me because of her kindness and strength, and her determination to be kind and a good older sister for the younger children makes me feel genuinely happy and safe thinking about her.
Also, the fact that she's hella strong and can break a wall definitely doesn't hurt. (:flushed:)
Arashi inspires me to love myself and love who I am despite any flaws I might perceive, and she makes me feel safe and happy in a lot of ways.


Source: Undertale

Undertale isn't really a "comfort character" so much as a "comfort franchise". Undertale has meant so, so, so much to me ever since it launched, with its messages of friendship and kindness and how it says that you can choose to be a good person if you want to. Sans's message that SPARING is just choosing not to fight, and that it's not a coward's way at all but the bravest thing you can do, meant so much to me as a child surrounded by bullies and those who put down others to feel better about themselves. Every single aspect of Undertale means so much to me, and I can recite every single line of dialogue pretty much word-for-word: I've been listening to a playthrough of Undertale pretty much every single night to be able to quiet my brain enough to go to to sleep.
The fact that you actively have to help two women get together in order to get the "best" ending and the "true" ending made me nearly cry as a closeted doubtful bisexual kid, and seeing characters deal with issues like anxiety and depression in a way I could process helped me through my own mental health issues.
Undertale's beauty and message that in the end, it was possible to at least try to be friends with everyone and be truly kind influenced how I thought and brought me so much comfort in difficult times.
Furthermore, getting into Undertale was when I started getting more into "online" culture for the first time--I doubt I would be the person I am now without its influence.
It's truly a game that means so much to me for so many reasons, and I don't think I'll ever fall out of love with it.

The End

Thank you for reading my kinnies/CC card! I hope you enjoyed your stay and didn't find it too much of a slog.
If you'd like to know more about me outside of this, please visit my bio carrd: oreganocactus
Thank you for your visit.